
Our Lifetime Connect Supported Playgroups offer parents, grandparents, carers and children the opportunity to connect. Lifetime Connect Playgroups are supported playgroups which means they are facilitated by trained facilitators who understand children’s play and development.

Our playgroup environments are relaxed, friendly, safe and encourage play-based learning. Our morning sessions at Playgroup are a great way for families to meet each other and form important social networks.

Other benefits of attending supported playgroups are:

  • Share parenting experiences, stories, concerns and information
  • Help children develop social skills such as turn taking and making friends
  • Encourage children to explore, invent, reason and solve problems
  • Engage in affordable and regular social gatherings

Our Playgroups are run during school terms.

I would like to come to Playgroup

Playgroup Registration Form

Welcome to Lifetime Connect Playgroups. Please fill out our registration form. The details in this form are kept confidential. A parent /legal guardian must attend playgroup and supervise their child/ren at all times.

Parent/guardian full name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Do you live in the Nambucca LGA?(Required)
Do you identify as?
Do you speak any other language than english at home?
Do you identify as a person with a disability or other chronic condition?
Do you identify as a person with a disability or other chronic condition?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Gender assigned at birth (Child 1)(Required)
Does your child (Child 1) identify as?(Required)
Does your child identify as a person with a disability or chronic condition?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Does your child identify as a person with a disability or chronic condition?
Gender assigned at birth (Child 2)
Does your child (Child 2) identify as?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Gender assigned at birth (Child 3)
Does your child (Child 3) identify as?
Does your child identify as a person with a disability or chronic condition?
Name of person filling out this form.(Required)

Useful Information

Contact Details

Phone: 0417 403 484
